来源:中国教育报 小编:朱岳 发布时间:2013年02月14日
内容导读: 近日,河南省教育厅、国家开发银行河南省分行联合发布《国家助学贷款管理办法》。该办法明确提出,对于逾期一年以上没有归还本金或利息的学生,可在媒体发布催收公告,必要时将采取法律手段进行催收。
Henan will return loans student fails to release collection announcement
Henan strengthen student loan management
Students can to breach of contract in a press release collection announcement
Recently, the department of education in henan province, henan branch of the China development bank issued jointly by the national student loan management method ". This method is put forward for overdue above one year did not repay the principal and interest of the students, but in a press release collection announcement, if necessary, will take legal action for collection.
Measures, when borrowing students appear overdue repayment behavior, at different stages, to carry out work collection, collection frequency not less than 1 times a month. For loans overdue days of no more than 90 days, can use collection cost lower telephone contact, instant messaging, etc, to strengthen credit management after work dynamics, improve loan recovery; For more than 90 days overdue days of loans, to meet the bad debt cancel after verification and interruption of prescription needs, should use directly or entrust to pay notice, telephone collection and recording, etc, and keep the relevant evidence collection.